Acorn Stairlifts South Africa Blog

Stay up to date with the latest stairlift news, lifestyle tips and health advice.
Stay in the Home You Love

Stay in the Home You Love

12:00am May 17, 2021 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts South Africa | Tips and Advice

 All is at home: loved ones, family dinners, and memories. You've spent years there, and you've probably made a lot of beautiful memories. You've had one comfort through all life has thrown at you- your home. It can be daunting to consider how aging may impact your home life as you grow older. If your mobility or access across the house has shifted, you still should be able to enjoy yourself without hesitation.   

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The Right Features to Look for When Buying a New Stairlift

The Right Features to Look for When Buying a New Stairlift

12:00am May 10, 2021 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts South Africa | Tips and Advice

Choosing the best stairlift for you or a loved one can be difficult. Thankfully, we're here to help take some of the guesswork out of the equation. If you need help navigating the stairs or are afraid of falling, a stairlift could be the right choice for you and may change your life. The installation of a stairlift in your home may be incredibly beneficial; you need to be aware of some of the best features to look for to find the best one for you. 

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How to Easily Build a Happy Retirement with These 5 Tips

How to Easily Build a Happy Retirement with These 5 Tips

12:00am Feb 18, 2021 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts South Africa | Tips and Advice

Retirement is an ideal time for self-reflection. Life can tend to be hectic for our younger years of your life. Our energy is usually consumed by our professional life and home, with little time to truly get to know ourselves. Below, we discuss a few of the reasons why it’s important for seniors to get to know themselves and figure out their happiness during retirement.

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