Acorn Stairlifts South Africa Blog

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Senior Tip of the Week—Maintain and Maximise Your Memory with Daily Mental Exercises

Senior Tip of the Week—Maintain and Maximise Your Memory with Daily Mental Exercises

12:00am Jul 20, 2023 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts South Africa | Tips and Advice

Without further ado, welcome back to “Acorn Stairlifts Tip of the Week,” a series in which we will equip seniors with all the knowledge, tools, and helpful advice that they need to succeed in their lives—ranging anywhere from physical health, to saving money with senior discounts, and just about everything in between. Read on to learn how you can make the most of your memory.

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Bridging the Communication Gap Between Generations—5 Tips for Talking with Seniors

Bridging the Communication Gap Between Generations—5 Tips for Talking with Seniors

12:00am Jul 12, 2023 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts South Africa | Tips and Advice

It's inevitable—As time slips by and the world continues to evolve, a disconnect tends to develop between older and newer generations. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. If all of us took the time to learn, listen to each other's experiences, and show empathy, we would be able to bridge the communication gap between generations.

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